On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 14:11:43 -0800, James Lowe <james.l...@datacore.com> wrote:
I can only describe this as like nailing jelly to a wall. It's wrecked a load of my scores, and I've taken hours more time getting what was pretty good in 2.13.40 back to a 'still a bit rubbish' in 2.13.51.
It is probably not worth the effort to maintain scores through development versions. Just stick to 2.12 for anything serious.
\noBreak does little or nothing and trying to expand the MMR does virtually nothing until I use ridiculous numbers and then it just springs the two bars [of cue notes] on a line on their own.
I see. There tends to be a \cueDuring right after the multi-measure rests, so inserting individual \noBreaks is awkward and distracting << \cueDuring "violin"#UP { s1\noBreak s\noBreak s s } R1*4 >> The gloriously non-tiny example below, with relevant bits un-indented, responds pretty well to 'minimum-length. The commented-out alternative using forced \breaks is alright, but needs a period of line-break-permission to get the measure-spacing back to normal. --8<-- \include"english.ly" \header { title="Dvořák" } motifWthreesixteen = { % to be used inside \transpose gs8-.\p b-. b16( as gs8) as16( cs') cs'( as) cs'4 | b8-. gs-. gs16( as b8) as16( b as fs gs4) | gs8-. b-. b16( as gs8) as16( cs') cs'( as) cs'4 | b8-. gs-. gs16( as b8) as16( b as fs gs b ds' b | } \addQuote "flute2mA" \relative c''' { R2*8 R2*8 \transpose gs gs' \motifWthreesixteen gs,8)\p r8 r4 R2*11 } \relative c'{ \time 2/4 \clef bass \compressFullBarRests b4\fz r R2 b4\fz r \once\override Staff.MultiMeasureRest #'minimum-length = #40 R2*5 \bar "||" \key gs \minor %\break \once\override Staff.MultiMeasureRest #'minimum-length = #100 R2*12 %\break %\override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-permission = ##f \transposedCueDuring "flute2mA" #UP c R2*4^\markup\tiny"flute 8va" %\revert Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-permission \transpose gs gs \motifWthreesixteen gs2) ~gs\< ~gs ~gs a8\fz r r4 a8(\mp c) c16( b a8) R2 a8(\mp c) c16( b a8) r4 ef'16(\p d c8) r4 ef16(\p d c8) } _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel