
I wanted to make Graham happy, so looked through the tracker, picked
an existing frog issue and made a patch without discussing it for 5
It's issue 1489 (make regtests end on a barline).
I think it doesn't make sense to post it on Rietveld...
It's here (112 kB, too big for an attachment):

I wanted to check if everything is fine, so i called
  make test
from ~/lilypond-git/build directory (or should have i done something different?)
Unfortunately i got an error and i don't understand what went wrong, i
don't see any names of the files i modified. Here's the end of the

Processing 3d/lily-646e5205
Processing 63/lily-376dfd22
Processing 81/lily-f4727b32
Processing c2/lily-733590e4
Processing 2f/lily-540d1628
Processing 62/lily-b9a00701
Failed files: (78/lily-8f0aedaa.ly)
command failed: /home/janek/lilypond-git/build/out/bin/lilypond -I
/home/janek/lilypond-git/input/regression/ -I ./out-test -I
/home/janek/lilypond-git/input -I
/home/janek/lilypond-git/Documentation -I
/home/janek/lilypond-git/Documentation/snippets -I
/home/janek/lilypond-git/input/regression/ -I
/home/janek/lilypond-git/Documentation/included/ -I
/home/janek/lilypond-git/build/mf/out/ -I
/home/janek/lilypond-git/build/mf/out/ -I
/home/janek/lilypond-git/Documentation/pictures -I
-dbackend=eps --formats=ps  -dseparate-log-files -dinclude-eps-fonts
-dgs-load-lily-fonts --header=texidoc -I
/home/janek/lilypond-git/Documentation/included/ -ddump-profile
-dcheck-internal-types -ddump-signatures -danti-alias-factor=1 -I
"/home/janek/lilypond-git/build/out/lybook-testdb"  -I
"/home/janek/lilypond-git/build/input/regression"  -I
"/home/janek/lilypond-git/input/regression"  -I
"/home/janek/lilypond-git/build/input/regression/out-test"  -I
"/home/janek/lilypond-git/input"  -I
"/home/janek/lilypond-git/Documentation"  -I
"/home/janek/lilypond-git/Documentation/snippets"  -I
"/home/janek/lilypond-git/input/regression"  -I
"/home/janek/lilypond-git/Documentation/included"  -I
"/home/janek/lilypond-git/build/mf/out"  -I
"/home/janek/lilypond-git/build/mf/out"  -I
"/home/janek/lilypond-git/Documentation/pictures"  -I
--formats=eps  -deps-box-padding=3.000000  -dread-file-list
Child returned 1
make[2]: *** [out-test/collated-files.texi] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/janek/lilypond-git/build/input/regression'
make[1]: *** [local-test] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/janek/lilypond-git/build/input/regression'
make: *** [test] Error 2

I hope this doesn't mean any serious problems and my work will be
useful for you...


PS Unfortunately i was not sure what to do in some cases, but that's
only 12 regtests out of 250 that didn't end on a barline.
alignment-order.ly - measure looks to be filled with skips, so i think it's fine
arpeggio-bracket.ly - is the description not misleading? it says
"player should not arpeggiate" and in code there is "arpeggio"
augmentum.ly, mensural-ligatures.ly - ancient notation doesn't have
measures, right? so i leave it alone.
beam-feather.ly, beam-feather-knee-stem-length.ly - i don't know
feathered beams so i'm not sure if i did it right
les-nereids.ly - i suppose it intentionally ends not on a barline
lyrics-no-notes.ly - i suppose that the not-filled measure is intentional
midi-tuplets.ly - i'm not sure about calculations. I thought that
\times 7/10 { c1 } will fulfill the measure, but it was something
scheme-book-scores.ly - i don't know scheme so i'm not sure what this
is about...
skiptypesetting-bar-check.ly - not sure here (there is some
intentional skipping)
song-basic.ly - i don't know what this "song" thing is all about

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