When compiled with 2.13.49, the amount of whitespace after the barline is
generally smaller, but still isn't corrected for accidental.

Janek, (on -devel so the bug report does not appear to be resolved)

  I happened to read the relevant code while looking at issue 1229.  The intent 
is clearly to space /note-columns/ evenly with no regard to accidentals, when 
there is room.   However, staff-spacing.cc looks ahead for collisions, and 
lengthens individual springs if there might be less than 0.3 staff-space 
clearance in a moderately-tight line.  This extra check seems no longer 
necessary, because there is a hard limit to maintain a small gap in tight 

  The override below makes the spring stiff enough to avoid this extra check, 
so the spring near the accidental is not lenghened. (The override will not work 
well in tight layouts.) Does this produce closer to what the good engravers do?

  c''1 \break
  c'4 d' g' f' e'2 a' d'1 \break
  c'4 d' g' f' es'2 aes' dis'1
}\layout {
  ragged-right = ##t
  \context { \Score
  \override BarLine #'space-alist #'next-note = #'(fixed-space . 1.8)

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