"m...@apollinemike.com" <m...@apollinemike.com> writes:

> I like the tunable idea.
> Perhaps a grob property named `avoids' that is a list of pairs, kinda like:
> '((bar-line . #t) (time-signature . #f) (note-head . #t)) etc...
> Then, we could use has_interface to weed out grobs for which we don't
> want to collision detect.
> As to your question: in scores by Ligeti, Bartok, and Schoenberg, and
> Xenakis, bar lines are not avoided.  I cannot come up with an example
> off the top of my head where bar lines are avoided.

I should think that the problem with avoiding a bar line would be that
if you have a continuous off-beat grouping, it would add a visual
accentuation to those beams that are trying to avoid the bar line.

Since one point of off-beat groupings is to basically _ignore_ the bar
line in execution, singling out the cross-bar beams visually is not
likely to help the performer.

David Kastrup

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