On Feb 7, 2011, at 8:18 AM, Jan Warchoł wrote:

> 2011/2/7 m...@apollinemike.com <m...@apollinemike.com>:
>> On Feb 6, 2011, at 6:19 PM, Jan Warchoł wrote:
>>> 2011/2/6  <mts...@gmail.com>:
>>>> I can't really speak to the font stuff.
>>> Why not? Every one has his own personal preferences.
>>> And the font stuff is what matters the most for me :)
>>> Of course some changes are very subtle. It's best to open pdfs called
>>> "flag testing" side-by-side on a big resolution screen (i have 24",
>>> 1920x1080 screen), zoomed to 300-400%, but it can be done on smaller
>>> displays too.
>>> Here are the pdfs made with my commit: http://www.sendspace.com/file/j9dq5t
>>> Here are pdfs made with 2.13.47 for comparison:
>>> http://www.sendspace.com/file/ogl8rk
>>> Here are the .ly files: http://www.sendspace.com/file/gjh6ng
>>>> And I see that you've wiped a lot of the
>>>> tabbing in the original code.  You may want to start by copying a fresh
>>>> version of the file into your git repository and then copying and
>>>> pasting the new code into that to save you the headache of dealing w/
>>>> all of those tabs.
>>> Frankly, i really do not know what is happening here. Files before and
>>> after the change look the same to me.
>>> I'm using lilydev, but the default text editor wasn't to my taste, so
>>> i edited the files outside lilydev, in Notepad++. I set Notepad++ to
>>> write all tabs as spaces (if i remember correctly, our policy for the
>>> code says that all indentation should be done with spaces?) and it
>>> looked ok...
>> I'm just passing along a comment I got about my code when
>> I tried to wipe out indentations.  I actually have no idea what
>> best practice is, but as a general rule, commits should be centered
>> around one "theme."  A separate patch, titled "eliminate indentations
>> in the stem.cc", could take care of the indentation problem
>> if it is in fact a problem (that said, my coding style is so bad
>> that I should really not even be talking...).
> I think i get rid of this problem in stem.cc (feta-flags.mf are
> changed so much that i don't think fiddling with tabs is feasible).
>>>> Real potential_shortenings[] = {0.833,0.666,0.555,0.333,0.166};
>>>> shorten *= potential_shortenings[(int)(head_positions (me)[dir])];
>>> It didn't work, i got stems with length 0 and general mess :(
>>> i'll investigate tomorrow.
>> Hm...lemme know.  It should be doable w/ arrays somehow -
>> if you don't crack it, lemme know & I'll give it a more protracted glance.
> I've managed to do this, luckily :)
>>>> http://codereview.appspot.com/4134041/diff/1/lily/stem.cc#newcode728
>>>> lily/stem.cc:728: }
>>>> Same - arrays can be used here (see above for how to handle else if).
> Arrays for handling intervals of floating point numbers?
> I don't see how this could be done.

Sorry - if it's intervals, then use a vector.
vector<Interval> foo;

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