
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc Hohl []
> Sent: 25 January 2011 20:59
> To: Carl Sorensen
> Cc: James Lowe;;;
> Subject: Re: Font: Including the jazz font for chords (issue3972048)
> Am 25.01.2011 20:23, schrieb Carl Sorensen:
> > Even if we can't distribute Gonville with LilyPond, we ought to have
> > one infrastructure for doing it instead of two, IMO.
> Yes, of course. I didn't take a closer look at the Gonville installation 
> routines
> yet, so I'd be glad if someone who has already installed and worked with
> Gonville would share his/her exeriences with me.

I have (and still) used Gonville. For Windows I simply take the contents of the 
.zip file that is on the Gonville site and then I rename the 

'...\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\share\lilypond\current\fonts' dir to 
'fonts_orig' and move the fonts dir from the Gonville zip file to the same 
location, that way when I want to switch back I rename the two folders 
accordingly, nothing more is needed.

I do the same for Mac OS X (although it is slightly more convoluted because you 
have to use than drag/drop and the $PATH is subtly different) and 
I am 'guessing' the principle for Linux is identical except he provides a 
script (on the website) that 'automates' the process, creates symlinks IIRC,  
but I haven't used LilyPond on Linux to know for sure.

There are some 'missing' fonts from Gonville - which the owner states on his 
website - so that you cannot use it with Ancient Notation for example and I 
think some other glyphs may not be available, I haven't tried to the run the 
reg tests with Gonville to see.  I wouldn't really know how to go about 
incorporating this into our source tree else I'd offer to help.

I'd contact the author directly. Last year when I helped write what 
documentation we have on it in our NR, and he was very helpful, and patient 
with me. I am sure he would be flattered that his font could be in the main 


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