I was reviewing somebody's doc patch earlier today and suggested
using \break to clarify the input/output of an example.  Another
great way of doing this is with notes.  Instead of repeating the
same note series, change them a bit and make a musical sequence:

% bad:
  c2 d e d | c d e d | c d e d

% good:
  c2 d e d | e f g f | g a b a

% or even:
  c2 d e d | e f g f | g f e d
  c2 d e d | e f g f | g c, e d | c1

I don't encourage accidentals or dotted rhythms, but there's a lot
that we can do with simple melodies in C major (or A minor) to
make it easier for people to recognize a particular bar of input
to a particular bar of output.

When I was writing docs full-time, my rule of thumb was that I'd
spend 2/3 of my time working on examples.  Yes, more than half my
time was *just* working on 1- to 4-line bits of lilypond code to
demonstrate stuff.

- Graham

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