On 12/11/10 12:44 PM, "Patrick Schmidt" <p.l.schm...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Am 11.12.2010 um 18:03 schrieb Carl Sorensen:
>> On 12/11/10 9:54 AM, "Patrick Schmidt" <p.l.schm...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>> IMHO I think we want to have \hideNotes apply to TabVoice. I tried to
>>> achieve glissandi with an indefinite beginning/ending (but in vain):
>> You can test this really easily.
>> Simply add
>> \override TabNoteHead #'transparent = ##t
>> after line 233 of ly/property-init.ly, and
>> \revert TabNoteHead #'transparent
>> after line 243 of ly/property-init.ly
>> You could do so, and make it part of this patch.
>> Thanks,
>> Carl
> Wow, that was easy! Unfortunately some overrides are necessary in
> order to make the glissandi look half decent. The problem is that it
> seems to be impossible to find an optimal setting for both staffs and
> tab staffs. Without the overrides the slides are not visible in
> normal staffs (not even with a 400 % zoom-in). With these overrides
> glissandi are longer in TabStaffs than in Staffs. And because of
> these overrides this snippet would have to go in selected snippets
> rather than the body of the chapter?!

So perhaps what you do is put this (along with the \chordGlissando) function
in a file ly/string-instruments.ly.

And you define a music function \slide (perhaps including the call to
\glissando; perhaps not).

And then you do one of the following, depending on what works:

1) Put separate overrides for Voice.Glissando and TabVoice.Glissando

2) Put in a check for the type of context, and choose the correct override.

Then you put \include "string-instruments.ly" at the top of your snippet,
and it's good to go.



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