
I can only give my personal preferences here.

> In particular,
> -) the cue start clef is sometimes before the barline, sometimes
> after.  (Typically, if a clef/key/time change is involved, the cue
> clef comes after the barline, otherwise before the barline; But that
> is not always the case)

I prefer to have the cue start clef always after the bar line, after a
key signature or meter, right before the first note of the cue.  It
should be a small clef, and it should intentionally look `artificial'.

> -) The cue end clef is sometimes before, sometimes after the barline

I prefer to have the cue end clef (which should be a small one) before
the bar line to make it look as natural as possible.

> -) If cue notes go across a line break, the clef is sometimes
> printed after the original instrument's clef, sometimes it replaces
> it, and sometimes no cue clef is printed

I prefer to have the cue clef repeated, after the key signature or
meter, not replacing the instrument's normal clef.

> -) If cue notes start immediately after a line break, sometimes the
> clef for the cue notes is printed on the previous line, but most of
> the times it is not.

IMHO, it should not be printed on the previous line; this would be too


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