On 27 November 2010 10:03, Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:

> I'd rather not simply revert it, since it seems like a good
> feature.  How are you declaring target_cpu ?  Did you succeed in
> building GUB from scratch?  if you can build it from scratch and I
> can't, then there must be something weird about one (or both) of
> our computers.  Were you using a 64-bit OS on 64-bit hardware?
> I'm running a 32-bit ubuntu on 64-bit hardware, which could
> potentially be the problem.  IIRC Jan uses a 64-bit OS, so if you
> used that too, it would explain why neither of you experienced
> this problem.

I'm on 64-bit and still get the same error.  The attached patch seems
to fix the problem, though it leads to another issue: Valentin's
original patch uses shopt, which doesn't work with my default shell
command; If I do the following,

sh ~/gub/uploads/lilypond-2.13.41-0.linux-x86.sh

I get this:

/home/neil/gub/uploads/lilypond-2.13.41-0.linux-x86.sh: 9: shopt: not found

lilypond installer for version 2.13.41 release 0,
i686 build.
For a list of options, abort (^C) then do:
sh /home/neil/gub/uploads/lilypond-2.13.41-0.linux-x86.sh --help

Warning: this build is not optimized for your architecture;
please install a x86_64 build instead.

Press C to install the program anyway (not recommended),
E to only extract the program files, or any other key to exit.
read: 93: Illegal option -s

whereas using bash works.


> - Graham
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From d6ae7303cdb00839d63a1f347cdbb7f8b8e3f229 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neil Puttock <n.putt...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 20:50:55 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Fix architecture compatibility check.

 gub/commands.py  |    1 +
 gub/installer.py |    3 ++-
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gub/commands.py b/gub/commands.py
index adc0e5b..f867882 100644
--- a/gub/commands.py
+++ b/gub/commands.py
@@ -449,6 +449,7 @@ class CreateShar (SerializedCommand):
         shar_head = self.kwargs['shar_head']
         tarball = self.kwargs['tarball']
         version = self.kwargs['version']
+        target_cpu = self.kwargs['target_cpu']
         length = os.stat (tarball)[6]
         base_file = os.path.split (tarball)[1]
diff --git a/gub/installer.py b/gub/installer.py
index f7cc38d..51c2fb1 100644
--- a/gub/installer.py
+++ b/gub/installer.py
@@ -450,8 +450,9 @@ class Shar (Linux_installer):
         if 'lilypond' in self.name.lower ():
             shar_head = self.expand ('%(sourcefiledir)s/lilypond-sharhead.sh')
         tarball = self.expand (self.bundle_tarball)
+        target_cpu = self.settings.target_cpu
         version = self.expand ('%(installer_version)s')
-        self.runner._execute (commands.CreateShar (name=name, pretty_name=pretty_name, release=release, shar_file=shar_file, shar_head=shar_head, tarball=tarball, version=version))
+        self.runner._execute (commands.CreateShar (name=name, pretty_name=pretty_name, release=release, shar_file=shar_file, shar_head=shar_head, tarball=tarball, target_cpu=target_cpu, version=version))
 # hmm?
 #    @context.subst_method
     def installer_file (self):

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