On 10/12/10 9:28 PM, "Graham Percival" <gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 05:17:44PM +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:
>> <percival.music...@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:0016e6435382308cfc04925d9...@google.com...
>>> On 2010/10/11 18:18:37, dak wrote:
>>>> python/convertrules.py:2992: _ ("\\RemoveEmpty*StaffContext -> \*Staff
>>>> \\RemoveEmptyStaves"))
>>>> Any particular reason that \*Staff does not get the backslash doubled
>>> as well?
>>> The reason was that I didn't know what \* did -- I'm guessing it has a
>>> special meaning in regex -- so I thought I should leave it alone.
>> * has a special meaning in a regex - repeat the preceding class zero
>> or more times - so it has to be escaped with a backslash in a regex.
> Thanks!
> So that's a good reason to avoid writing \\*Staff -- we don't want
> a literal \ in the output, and we do want a literal *Staff.
Actually, I think in this case we *do* want a literal \ in the output, and a
literal *Staff.
IIUC, this is *not* a regex, it's a (human-readable) description of the
changes to be made. It should read:
\RemoveEmpty*StaffContext -> \*Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
The * is meant to be a substitute for nothing, Tab, Drum, Choir, Piano,
Rhythmic, etc. It's supposed to be like an argument to the ls command.
Doubling up the backslash should make it work properly, I think.
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