Carl Sorensen <> writes:

> On 10/3/10 10:29 AM, "Trevor Daniels" <> wrote:
>> David Kastrup wrote Sunday, October 03, 2010 3:22 PM
>>> push = -\tweak #'side-axis #X ^\markup { \musicglyph
>>> #"accordion.push" }
>>> pull = -\tweak #'side-axis #X ^\markup { \musicglyph
>>> #"accordion.pull" }
>>> \score {
>>> \repeat unfold 8 { c'-1\push c'-1\pull }
>>> }
>>> Why does this work nice with \push, and not so nice with \pull?
>>> Is this
>>> supposed to work at all?
>> Well the character box is defined differently for the two
>> glyphs.  See mf/  The box for the pull
>> glyph is set further to the right.
>> I presume that is why, but I don't know if there is a good
>> reason for the difference.
> The difference in the origins of the boxes is because David asked for them
> to be that way, so that the base markup would be "almost right".
> <>
> If you want it changed, I'd be happy to do so.

I think they are quite ok: the outcome is quite fine without fingerings.
The problem rather is that I have no clue about side-support.  Fiddling
with the boxes is not going to be a robust substitute for doing things
right.  I am continuing to experiment.

David Kastrup

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