Eluze wrote Friday, September 03, 2010 11:03 PM
Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
Am Freitag, 3. September 2010, um 22:49:50 schrieb -Eluze:
New option -dinclude-settings=INCLUDEFILE.ly, which causes
lilypond to
include the given file before the score is processed. This
allows the
i have tried this without any effect on windows, LP version
i included the following in that file
#(set-global-staff-size 13)
\markup hello
\include "deutsch.ly"
but this did not seem to have been included.
my command was: lilypond -V -dinclude-settings
"c:\data\ly\includes\myTestInit.ly" test.ly
what is wrong?
No idea. Your file works fine here.
Are you sure that you don't need to escape the backslashes in
No, you don't need to.
any more suggestions? anyone on windows (vista) who can confirm?
This works fine here in the Vista command window:
C:\Users\Trevor>lilypond -dinclude-settings=includes/testInit.ly
It also works if I use a backslash, but it generates the warning:
programming error: file name not normalized: includes\testInit.ly
continuing, cross fingers
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