On 07/25/2010 09:49 PM, Joseph Wakeling wrote:
> I don't know how that typo got into my email, but it is _not_ what I
> have in my Lilypond input file.

For reference, I've attached a complete .ly file.
naturalizeMusic =
#(define-music-function (parser location m)
   (naturalize m (ly:music-property m 'naturalize-style)))

microphrase = \relative c'' { geses4 geseh ges geh g gih gis gisih gisis }

\score {
  \new Staff {
    \set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
    \time 9/4
    \withMusicProperty #'naturalize-style #(list (cons >= 1) (cons <= -1) (cons 
>= SHARP) (cons <= FLAT))
    \naturalizeMusic { \microphrase }
  \layout { }

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