On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 05:30:38PM -0600, Carl Sorensen wrote:
> Because it changes the syntax, I need to change documentation text,
> documentation examples in english, french, spanish, and german (plus
> potentially in hungarian and japanese), documentation snippets, regression
> tests, web examples, and convert-ly.  Every one of these files needs a
> version.  (And I haven't yet mentioned changes.tely).

Hmm, I hadn't thought of that.

> How the mao am I supposed to get a patch reviewed?  I prepared the patch for
> 2.13.27, then updated it for 2.13.28, and now we're at 2.13.29.  The review
> cycle is *longer* than the release cycle!  I suppose there's some way to use
> xargs to fund the files changed in the patch and automatically (using sed)
> change every occurrence of 2.13.28 to 2.13.29, but I don't have the bash
> script-fu to do this.

If you have the patch as a single file, then (in vim) it would be

But if you're working on a separate branch (as is right and proper
for a major change), then I'm not certain how to go about it.  I'm
looking forward to opinions.

(my overall feeling is that a patch should not be closely tied to
the release cycle, and that the proper solution would be to
separate them somewhat -- a copy&paste xarg line, or pre-made
script for updating the version numbers, is probably the best way

- Graham

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