On 07/10/2010 12:25 PM, Joseph Wakeling wrote:
> On second thoughts, it seems like transposition constraints for the
> whole of LP could be set by four naturalize-limits: upper and lower
> limits respectively for c, e, f, b; and upper and lower limits for
> everything else.

OK, done.  The attached example now contains a "complete"
naturalize-pitch which allows the user to define the too-high and
too-low rules for e, b and c, f respectively, as well as for the rest of
the notes.

This allows the definition of a "naturalizeMusicTonal" expression which
seems to leave properly-transposed stuff (by Lilypond's defaults) untouched.

The aim would be to allow the user to define custom naturalization rules
alongside defaults, e.g:

    \withMusicProperty #'naturalize = ##f
    % don't employ naturalization, use Lilypond's default
    % functionality

    \withMusicProperty #'naturalize = #'chromatic
    % typical naturalize-music function

    \withMusicProperty #'naturalize = #'harp
    % naturalize with nothing > 1/2-tone

    \withMusicProperty #'naturalize = #'tonal
    % superfluous since Lilypond 2.13.14+ already handles this,
    % but if the user wants to be sure ... :-)

    \withMusicProperty #'naturalize =
      #((naturalize-limit >= 1) (naturalize-limit < (/ -1 2))
        (naturalize-limit >= (/ 1 2)) (naturalize-limit < (/ -1 2)))
    % custom choice of user (my notation may be wrong here, but it
    % gives the idea of what the user could do).  I see why Lisp is
    % sometimes referred to as "Lost in sodding parentheses" ... !

Note that the naturalization process could be employed in
transposition_mutable() or it could be employed after transposition (if
any) has been carried out, so the naturalization rules could be used to
enforce style choices anywhere in the composition.


    bes8 \naturalizeOff ces   % I really, really want this c-flat.
    \naturalizeOn   % default option, same as \naturalizeChromatic

There could even be two different music properties (#'naturalize or
#'transposition-style?) depending on at what stage one wishes to apply
naturalization; or with warnings if untransposed music is nevertheless
altered by the naturalization process.

Are there any other thoughts for what more needs to be done with the
naturalize-pitch function itself?  Or is it good to go in terms of
hooking into Lilypond ... ?

Thanks & best wishes,

    -- Joe
#(define (naturalize-limit lim val)
           (define (limit a)
             (lim a val))

#(define (naturalize-pitch p high low higheb lowcf)
   (let ((o (ly:pitch-octave p))
         (n (ly:pitch-notename p))
         (a (ly:pitch-alteration p)))
     (do ((aa 0))
         ((= aa a) (ly:make-pitch o n a))
       (set! aa a)
        ((and (higheb a) (or (eq? n 2) (eq? n 6)))
         (set! a (- a (/ 1 2)))
         (set! n (+ n 1)))
        ((and (lowcf a) (or (eq? n 0) (eq? n 3)))
         (set! a (+ a (/ 1 2)))
         (set! n (- n 1))))
        ((high a) (set! a (- a 1)) (set! n (+ n 1)))
        ((low a) (set! a (+ a 1)) (set! n (- n 1))))
       (if (< n 0) (begin (set! o (- o 1)) (set! n (+ n 7))))
       (if (> n 6) (begin (set! o (+ o 1)) (set! n (- n 7)))))))

#(define (naturalize music high low higheb lowcf)
   (let ((es (ly:music-property music 'elements))
         (e (ly:music-property music 'element))
         (p (ly:music-property music 'pitch)))
     (if (pair? es)
          music 'elements
          (map (lambda (x) (naturalize x high low higheb lowcf)) es)))
     (if (ly:music? e)
          music 'element
          (naturalize e high low higheb lowcf)))
     (if (ly:pitch? p)
           (set! p (naturalize-pitch p high low higheb lowcf))
           (ly:music-set-property! music 'pitch p)))

naturalizeMusic =
#(define-music-function (parser location m)
   (naturalize m (naturalize-limit >= 1)
                 (naturalize-limit <= -1)
                 (naturalize-limit >= (/ 1 2))
                 (naturalize-limit <= (/ -1 2))))

naturalizeMusicHarp =
#(define-music-function (parser location m)
   (naturalize m (naturalize-limit > (/ 1 2))
                 (naturalize-limit < (/ -1 2))
                 (naturalize-limit >= (/ 1 2))
                 (naturalize-limit <= (/ -1 2))))

naturalizeMusicTonal =
#(define-music-function (parser location m)
   (naturalize m (naturalize-limit > 1)
                 (naturalize-limit < -1)
                 (naturalize-limit > (/ 1 2))
                 (naturalize-limit < (/ -1 2))))

music = \relative c' { c4 d e g }
microphrase = \relative c'' { geses4 geseh ges geh g gih gis gisih gisis }

\score {
  \new Staff {
    \set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
    \transpose c ais { \music }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusic \transpose c ais { \music }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusicHarp \transpose c ais { \music }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusicTonal \transpose c ais { \music }
    \bar "||"
    \transpose c deses { \music }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusic \transpose c deses { \music }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusicHarp \transpose c deses { \music }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusicTonal \transpose c deses { \music }
    \bar "||"
    \time 9/4
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusic { \microphrase }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusicHarp { \microphrase }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusicTonal{ \microphrase }
    \transpose c ais { \microphrase }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusic \transpose c ais { \microphrase }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusicHarp \transpose c ais { \microphrase }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusicTonal \transpose c ais { \microphrase }
    \transpose c deses { \microphrase }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusic \transpose c deses { \microphrase }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusicHarp \transpose c deses { \microphrase }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusicTonal \transpose c deses { \microphrase }
    \transpose c cih { \microphrase }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusic \transpose c cih { \microphrase }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusicHarp \transpose c cih { \microphrase }
    \bar ":"
    \naturalizeMusicTonal \transpose c cih { \microphrase }
  \layout { }

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