On 6/16/10 3:18 AM, "Trevor Daniels" <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> wrote:

> Carl.D.Sorensen wrote Tuesday, June 15, 2010 11:27 PM
>> Description:
>> Revised autobeam settings patch -- cleaned up debug comments
>> in code and eliminated the irrelevant changes in
>> Documentation/snippets just due to running makelsr.py
>> Please review this at http://codereview.appspot.com/1667044/show
> I've run a few examples through this new code and so
> far it all works extremely well.
> One or two of the default beam settings might be
> improved (while you're changing the beaming, that is - I
> think the behaviour below is probably as in the current
> releases, not introduced in this patch).  The most
> important is illustrated by
> \relative c' {
>   \time 3/4
>   % In 3/4 time never beam an odd number of 8th notes or two
>   % 8th notes in different beats
>   f8 f f f f f
>   f16 f f f f f f f f f f f
>   f32 f f f f f f f f f f f
>   f f f f f f f f f f f f
>   f4 r8 f f f     % incorrect!
>   f8 f~f f f f    % incorrect!
>   d'4. c8 b8. a16  % incorrect!
> }
> I think here it would be better to break quaver beams
> every beat (unless you have a trick up your sleeve
> to recognise these incorrect cases).

If we adjusted the beaming so it never *started* a beam on the final note of
a beat would that solve these problems?  There is provision in the code to
check for whether a beam can start; right now we say a beam can start
anywhere.  It occurs to me that in the cases above, we could resolve with a
beam starting rule.

> Also in 4/2 I think it would be better to remove the
> 32nds beam rule so they are grouped as 16ths are.

I'll be happy to do so.

> It might also be good to add triplet beaming to a few
> more common time signatures, as is done for 4/4.

With the new beaming rules, I don't think we should need to add triplet
beaming in most cases.

> The documentation looks much improved.  I would only
> suggest saying how to disable autobeaming so the
> beaming follows beatLength somewhere early, and maybe
> including an example showing how to use \set beamSettings
> to create settings for more than one beam type (getting
> the Scheme brackets right is tricky for everyone who is
> unfamiliar with Scheme!)

Great suggestions, thanks!

> Congratulations on a fine piece of work!  It's a credit
> to your persistence in persevering with this issue!

Thanks for the kind words.


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