On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 7:55 PM, Graham Percival
<gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:
> Nobody should be building the regtests without installing git.
> Developers need git.  Bug Squad people should look at the official
> online regtests.


> No, because
> 1) the CG is not written sequentially
> 2) the CG is not supposed to be read sequentially
> 3) contributors need the source code before they can compile anything

Yes, I understand the rationale. But I'm just used, as a user opening
a manual, to see the "compiling" stuff right on top.

> "buried" ?!  It's the only thing in the right-hand box on:
>    http://lilypond.org/website/source.html
> How much simpler can you get?

Oh, indeed. I stand corrected. I had only been using
http://lilypond.org/website/development.html so far.


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