On Sat, 8 May 2010, josé henrique padovani wrote:
I have made some changes on my emacs lilypond-mode files to process lytex
files as suggested here
directly with: "lilypond-book --pdf file.lytex" and "pdflatex file.tex"
I'm sending the patches... Please tell me if it is ok (don't know if the
shortcuts are ok to other people, for example)
I would also like to know if it would be possible to have an option, when
compiling LilyPond, to change some system specific commands that are in
For example, for OSX:
"xpdf" -> "open"
"timidity" -> "open"
(OSX's "open" uses the system default app to read pdf/play midi files)
I don't know if this can be changed in the local .emacs file, but I just
edit lilypond-mode.el and replace "xpdf" with "open" and it works fine._______________________________________________
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