On 5/7/10 7:21 AM, "David Kastrup" <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Hi, how would I do something like the following _properly_:
> { \clef bass  <<
>                  { <e gis b>\glissando s4 <dis a b>4 }
>                  \new Voice { \hideNotes <gis b e>\glissando s4 <a b dis>4  }
>                  \new Voice { \hideNotes <b e gis>\glissando s4 <b dis a>4 }
> }
> Note that this has several deficiencies: We get clashing notecolumn
> warnings, and the s4 that is required for proper length glissando lines
> takes musical time.  The obvious solution, writing s4*0 instead, does
> not change the spacing at all!

Have you looked at 

I recognize that it takes a different tack than you want, because it only
goes note for note instead of chord for chord.  But it shows the way to get
the spacing you want and to avoid the clashing note columns.

\once \override Glissando #'minimum-length = #5
\once \override Glissando #'springs-and-rods =

is the way to get the spacing.  To avoid the clashing note columns, you
could do

\override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t

before your function, and

\revert NoteColumn #'ignore-collision

after the function.

It would be pretty simple for you to adjust the inner workings of
chord-glissando.ly to make it work by rotating the chord, rather than by
carving out individual notes.



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