On Tue, 2010-05-04 at 12:43 +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> For fixing the figured bass alignment (i.e. the <4> <6 4> case with extenders 
> turned onn), I have a problem with the vertical alignment:
> <8 6 4> <8 5 3>
> Should appear as
> 8----
> 6   5
> 4   3
> I'm adding the elements to the BassFigureAlignment so that its elements list 
> is:
> 8 (spanner over both times)
> 6 (time 1)
> 4 (time 1)
> 5 (time 2)
> 3 (time 2)
> Or displayed differently:
> 1:   8----
> 2:   6
> 3:   4
> 4:       5
> 5:       3
> Unfortunately, it seems that ly:align-interface::align-to-minimum-distances 
> (the positioning-done property of BassFigureAlignmen) moves the 5 only to the 
> same position as the 4, so the output is:
> 8----
> 6    
> 4   5
>     3
> How can I get the BassFigureAlignment to move up the 5 further than the y-
> position of the previous item (the 4) in the elements list?

You'll need to make a change to align-interface.cc:210, which currently
forbids any element from being placed above the one that precedes it.
You may want to add a grob property that makes this behaviour


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