On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 08:31:11AM -0400, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi Graham et al,
> From the "header" comments in IR:

-snip lots of good data-

And have you decided whether this should just go in the
@knownissues on that page, or should it be a separate section?

James, once we have an answer, you can start working on this.  To
add the new unnumberedsubsec, copy the existing code, and add the
name to the @menu.

> > 4)  Pester some code people into adding "this context/engraver depends
> > on context/engravers foo band bar" into the code documentation, such
> > that this info will automatically get into the IR.  Oh, maybe modify
> > the IR-generation functions to read this new info.
> [...]
> > 4 could be a fantastic project for a Frog that was thinking about improving 
> > the IR...
> If someone could guide me gently into that good night, I might be up to it.

That's just it -- there isn't anybody to guide you gently into
that good night.  The only clue I know about the IR is that it's
partly generated by scheme functions in scm/documentation*.

Mark knows more, and various people like Neil, Patrick, and Carl
seem to know everything about all parts of lilypond, so maybe they
could help... but AFAIK nobody has a good grasp of the whole

- Graham

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