On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 8:58 AM, Ian Hulin <i...@hulin.org.uk> wrote:
>>>>>> How do they use it?
>>>>> Linking to the evil empire:
>>>>> http://www.google.com/codesearch?hl=en&lr=&q=%25module-public-interface&sbtn=Search


>> When is the new Lilypond release due?
> I'm not the ReleaseMeister for Lilypond; you'll get a better picture by
> talking to Graham Percival (gra...@percival-music.ca).
> But FWIW it looks like we're on our few last development releases before the
> stable V2.14 comes out.  It's near enough for a spoof release announcement
> to have gone out on the mailing list on April 1st which suckered me!
> I reckon plans are for Lilypond to stick with Guile V1.8.7 at least until
> the next Lilypond stable version after V2.14, but again, mileage may vary if
> you talk to more experienced Lilypond people.

Is Guile 2.0 already released?

I think it makes sense to forget about guile 2.0 for the 2.14 release,
and require 2.0 for the 2.16 release.  We could scrap lots of hairy GC
code if we could move to 2.0 (2.0 supports boehm GC, right?)

> 4. We've already seen the %module-public-interface thing in the Lily C++.
>  There's probably more smelly stuff lurking in the C++ interface, which
> won't surface until we start trying to use Guile 2.0 more.

There may be lots of hairiness in the module interface; I sort of made
up functions as I went along, since it was largely undocumented.

Han-Wen Nienhuys - han...@xs4all.nl - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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