Some time ago I posted a query/suggestion/observation regarding a
notation convention I saw in a piece we were performing in our
orchestra. Following a notehead, in the position of a dot, there was a
small '×'. Upon examination it became clear that it was, in effect, a
'half-dot'. It added one-quarter of the note's value rather than
one-half. I thought at the time that the LilyPond developers might be
interested in supporting this notation. I recall that Han-Wen seemed
uninterested in supporting what appeared to be a "one-off,"
non-standard notation quirk. Fair enough.
Now, however, this notation convention has appeared again in another
piece by a different composer. An example can bee seen here:
The piece is the "Concerto" for clarinet and Orchestra by Finnish
composer Kalevi Aho. This tiny excerpt is from the Euphonium part. As
a musician who has to read this, I find that having, in this instance,
groups of five 16th notes in a "beat" makes this notation convenient to
read. I just wonder why the "half-dot" wasn't also used on the rests in
the second 15/16 bar in the above example.
So, I offer this again. Does the development team want to add this
feature? I'm not sure that this is important enough to me, personally,
to make it a feature request. On the other hand, if this notation
convention is going to become used more it may well become "accepted"
and eventually "standard" practice. LilyPond already does many things
you don't see in pre-20th century music (feathered beams, cluster
notation, shaped notehead etc....)
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