Patrick Schmidt schrieb:
Hi Marc,

I am currently engraving a piece and wanted to use the 'q' chord repetition for the first time. I have standard notation and tablature combined and since all articulation information is removed from the content of 'q', the string information has also gone, so the tablature is wrong. Is there any chance to provide a workaround or to include the string information? Otherwise, the functionality is not very suitable for common guitar notation.

Here's a minimal example:

\version "2.13.13"

Guitar = \relative c' {
 % Intro
 r8 < gis\4 cis\3 b\2 > ~ q4 q8 ~ q q4

\score {
   \new StaffGroup <<
     \new Staff {
   \new Voice { \clef "treble_8"
                \override Voice.StringNumber #'transparent = ##t
                \Guitar }
     \new TabStaff {
     \new TabVoice {  \Guitar }


As the string information is missing, lilypond complains by not being able to compute
a suitable string:

Warnung: No string for pitch #<Pitch gis, > (given frets (7 4))
Warnung: No string for pitch #<Pitch gis, > (given frets (7 4))
Warnung: No string for pitch #<Pitch gis, > (given frets (7 4))
Warnung: No string for pitch #<Pitch gis, > (given frets (7 4))



I don't get any warnings with 2.13.11 and the snippet looks right to me!?
Hi Patrick,

the 'q' functionality has changed after 2.13.11 was released. Nicolas Sceaux pushed a patch to remove multiple fingerings etc., but the string information should be copied, IMHO.

Thanks for your example, this is indeed what I need and what lilypond should do.




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