On 23.02.2010, at 02:18, Graham Percival wrote:

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 07:31:37PM +0100, James Bailey wrote:
As I understand it, the critical problems previously had with lilypond on
10.5 (and now 10.6) have been resolved. And since the issue was just
raised on the -user list. Would it be useful now to simply have the
PPC/Intel binaries (labeled as such)?

I don't understand.  This page looks pretty clear to me:

Shows x86 / PPC.  The text says Intel / G3 and G4.  What's the

- Graham

The issue being that a very intelligent user might go to http:// lilypond.org/install/ instead. Which still has the 10.5 (Leopard), 10.4 (Intel) and 10.3 and newer links.

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