I know it looks weird, but I changed the "@" characters to
"8" to prevent the list archive from substituting
"addr...@hidden" all over the place.  The thread at
is practically unreadable because of this.  At least this
way you can figure it out (but you'll have to do a mental
's/8/@/g' to get it).

Jean-Charles Malahieude wrote:
> Yes, but I think it would be a good habit that the @w
> encloses what is to be said.  If I'm not misunderstanding,
> it would allow us to use
> 8w{8command{run} 8var{variable}}
> instead of
> 8command{run}8tie{}8var{variable}

Apparently this behavior is fixed for the next release of

I guess that means that, with the new-and-improved @w{},
we'll be able to completely get rid of @tie{}?  That would
be great.

The next step will be to see if the texinfo developers would
be interested in changing the specification of @code{} and
@command{} to automatically imply 8w{8code{}} and
8w{8command{}}, since (as I understand it) codes and
commands that don't fit on a single line should use @example
or @verbatim anyway.  It's clearly not a necessity, since
the functionality will already be provided by @w, and a firm
"no we won't" would hardly surprise me, but it's an
interesting thought.

- Mark


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