Hi everybody,

I've posted a patch on Rietveld which enhances the behaviour of
\repeat percent by allowing single-beat repeats to be shown with
multiple slashes (if all durations are equal and duration >=
semiquaver) or as double-percent glyphs (varying durations).

I've moved the handling of the different percent repeat types out of
the Percent_repeat_engraver and in to the Percent_repeat_iterator,
which now sends synthetic events for each of the repeat styles:
PercentEvent, DoublePercentEvent and RepeatSlashEvent.

One thing I'm a bit unsure about is where to calculate the
slash-count: though I've settled for calling a (for the time being
inefficient and lazily coded :) scheme proc from the iterator, I
wonder whether this is the best approach (it would of course be easy
to do this in C++ instead).

Please review here: http://codereview.appspot.com/212048


<<attachment: beat-percents.png>>

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