Hi all,

I've been using a Lilypond for a month now and I really impressed with its
complex and beautiful rendering.

However, I live in the country where most of the people cannot read music in
notation model. Instead, we are reading music in the solfegio: do, re, mi
fa, sol, la, ti. And when we write the music, we wrote it in the numeric
format. For example -- 1=do, 2=re, etc. So when I wrote 1 2 3. 4 5, it
really mean do, re, mi, fa, sol. We called the model as "solmisasi" -- I
don't know what the term in english. Basically it was derived from the
Netherland education.

Now, the problem are -- most of the people are reading music in that model.
Including all people in my church. When we have a choir, everybody is
reading the solmisasi notation. Usually we create the score using Microsoft
Word, which is a very tedious task. Or, people just simply do it in

I was trying the Lilypond and I am very excited with the data model and the
possibility of creating a new rendering (which is mostly text) for the
solmisasi notation. I am sure this is much more easier than writing a
complete notation. 

I attached one example of solmisasi notation. The music is four voice, SATB.
If you see the notation, I think you can understand it easily.

Is there a rendering like this available? If its not -- because of the
usefulness this program, I am willing to pay some $$ for the developer who
wants to work on this model. Because this might be not in the roadmap of
Lilypond. All sourcecode will go back to the GNU license. Its just I need
somebody who understand the source code and able to change it. I'll give all
the requirement. 

Let me know if its possible, if its done -- all church in my country will be
able to use it. :-)

Thanks and let me know what your thought on this one.


http://old.nabble.com/file/p27549135/ExampleMusic.pdf ExampleMusic.pdf 
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