Hi Graham,

I hope you don't mind my answering. I feel/am responsible for this as it was my 

> Why did you remove tab and percussion clefs from the clef section?
> The general idea is that anything that could make sense in NR 1
> goes there, other than ancient notation, and NR 2 links back to NR
> 1 in the relevant "references for..." subsection.

I moved the tab clef to fretted-strings and the percussion clef to percussion 
for the following reasons:

1) (in a strict sense) they don't display pitches (1.1.3 Displaying pitches)
2) In their contexts they are set by default. So it's rather a specialist 
notation to set them manually in a normal staff.
3) They are special purpose clefs. They don't make sense (to me) in a normal 
4) the examples in the clef section were a bit confusing as pitch 'c' is 
displayed on the middle line of the staff when these two clefs are used.
> I won't complain about adding a tab clef to fretted-strings (as
> long as it's in a sensible place within the file; I haven't check
> that). 

Well, I hope I found one in Custom tablature. As the tab clef is set by default 
I wanted to show that it's possible to switch back to the default clef after 
having chosen the modern tab clef. I doubt that anybody would like to use two 
different tab clefs in one staff/score. But it's possible…


> But removing those non-ancient clefs from Clef is not ok.
> Cheers,
> - Graham
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