I try to include the varsegno sign (http://codereview.appspot.com/181144)
and Alexander pointed out that moving the compound bar line to the right works in
nearly every case by

\once \override Staff.BarLine #'space-alist #'right-edge = #'(extra-space . -1)

but not in combination with \stopStaff
(see his example attached; it is explained in more detail at

As the \stopStaff construct is needed for placing text like "D.S. al Coda" and the override mentioned above makes sure that the note spacing behaves correctly, I am
not sure whether this is a bug and/or can be corrected easily.

Any ideas/hints etc. are highly appreciated!


\paper { ragged-last = ##t }

\relative c'' {
  c4^"no tweaks"
  \repeat unfold 31 c4
  \bar "S." \break

  c4^"no tweaks"
  \repeat unfold 31 c4
  \bar "S." \break

  \repeat unfold 31 c4
  \once \override Staff . BarLine #'extra-offset = #'(1 . 0)
  \bar "S." \break
  c4^"right-edge extra-space"
  \repeat unfold 31 c4
  \once \override Staff . BarLine #'space-alist #'right-edge = #'(extra-space . 
  \bar "S." \break

  c4^"right-edge extra-space (with \stopStaff)"
  \repeat unfold 11 c4
  \once \override Staff . BarLine #'space-alist #'right-edge = #'(extra-space . 
  \bar "S." \stopStaff s1 \bar "" \break \startStaff

  c4^"right-edge extra-space (with ragged-last = ##t)"
  \repeat unfold 11 c4
  \once \override Staff . BarLine #'space-alist #'right-edge = #'(extra-space . 
  \bar "S."
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