On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 02:54:16AM -0800, Patrick McCarty wrote:
>   BSTINPUTS=./essay /home/pnorcks/git/lilypond/scripts/build/out/bib2html \
>                 -o ./out/colorado.html \
>                 ./essay/colorado.bib
>   bibtex: Not writing to /tmp/tmpSnvwo5bib2html.blg (openout_any = p).
>   I couldn't open file name `/tmp/tmpSnvwo5bib2html.blg'

What version of bibtex do you have?
  bibtex -version

This program hasn't been used in lilypond compiling for a year or
more, so I'm not surprised that some people will encounter
problems.  OTOH, that command is (afaik) the same as the old one.

Try going to Documentation/essay/ and uncommenting the local-WWW-2
line, then do "make doc" (in that directory).  I'm curious about
whether it'll fail in exactly the same way.

- Graham

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