I pushed the main draft of my changes to the CG Git chapter.
I mentioned a confusing TOC-pane behavior in an earlier


Once the changes are up, you can witness this in the
split-HTML CG by using the TOC pane to navigate the
following path (keep your eyes on the TOC):

Click on "2.2 Starting with Git"
Click on "2.2.1 Setting up"
CLick on "Configuring Git"

Now the main pane displays the "Configuring Git" subsubsec
but the TOC highlights 2.2.2 and its 4th node:

2.2.2 Downloading remote branches
      * Downloading all remote branches

If you scroll down in the main pane, you'll see that
"Configuring Git" is immediately followed by "Download all
remote branches", which is not the correct order.

The vicinity of this in the source is around here:


I can't tell if I'm misusing @subsubheading or if there's a
texinfo bug.

John, I haven't read the texinfo manual sections you
recommended yet.  I intend to, but I'd thought I'd put this
out there in case I've made an obvious (and easily fixable)
mistake.  A cheap and ugly kludge would be to just put:

@strong{Technical details}

...but that's obviously not preferable.

- Mark


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