1) stop sticking everything in the same thread; it makes it very hard
to keep track of what's happening.

2) I can't reproduce with some tests on programming-work.itexi based
on your description, so further debugging would be tricky for me.

3) this is a presentation issue, not a content issue.  As long as it
compiles, push it, then let other people work on the presentation.

Based on your description, I gather that there's yet another bug in
lilypond-texi2html, which means that either John, me, or Patrick
should look at it.  But since I can't reproduce the problem with
current git, push it so I can start working.

- Graham

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 8:43 AM, Mark Polesky <> wrote:
> Unfortunately, there's a hierarchy problem with the
> �...@subsubheading Technical details
> thing that had previously escaped my notice.  I'm finding
> this really confusing so I'll try to be clear.  And I could
> be wrong on some detail...  Any instance of
> �...@unnumberedsubsubsec foo
> that comes immediately after a
> �...@subsubheading Technical details
> ends up in
>  /technical-details.html#foo
> So now there's a page called technical-details.html which
> has the following nodes:
> Configuring Git                 (3rd subsubsec in 2.2.1)
> Downloading all remote branches (4th subsubsec in 2.2.2)
> Other branches                  (5th subsubsec in 2.2.2)
> This means that when you click the link for `Configuring
> Git', it takes you to the correct node (from 2.2.1), but the
> TOC pane now highlights `Downloading all remote branches'.
> Obviously, this is unacceptable, but I don't know how best
> to fix it.  I have to say, I really like the `Technical
> details' idea.  Visually, it's clear and it looks like it
> should work (semantically).  But it screws with the menu
> and puts nodes out of order.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks.
> - Mark

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