On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Colin Campbell <c...@shaw.ca> wrote:
> Graham Percival wrote:
> A precis like this would be *gold* in the CG!

Heh, thanks.  That's why I keep on arguing for a set of simple,
copy&pasteable commands.

Admittedly, the new lily-git does this already... say, have you tried
that yet?  Do one final "git pull -r", then run:

You'll be amazed at how easy the git stuff becomes.  :)

> Following the obvious trail from there leads to 3.0 Documentation work,
> which points prominently to "Starting With Git".

I see.  Well, in Mark's rewrite, that chapter will have an obvious
"newbie" path pointing to lily-git.tcl.

> My suggestion, and I'll
> quite likely submit a patch accordingly,

If the patch is to doc-work, that's fine.  But don't bother writing
anything for the git chapter; it's slated to be almost completely
rewritten in the next two weeks.

Honestly, I'm not certain it's worth even a patch to doc-work, since
the new git chapter should make this clear enough.  Could you wait
until Mark's done this, then view the CG again with these problems in

>> (actually, the 10-minute rule is a good idea in general; I should add
>> _that_ to the CG)
> Another one gits my vote!

Ok.  Mark, could you add this to the beginner introduction?

- Graham

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