Le mercredi 23 décembre 2009 à 22:45 +0000, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Remember why we did this: the regtest filenames weren't matching
> up between versions because the [options] changed.

Sorry for having been idle at that time, but regtest comparison
shouldn't prevent us from changing lilypond-book fragment options.

>   I have a nicer
> solution, though: for the regtests (and *only* the regtests), use
> the filename instead of any hash function.

You mean using the filename in regtest comparison?  If this isn't
already the case, this would be an excellent idea; I see no good reason
why it would need to rely on hashes that are part of generated snippet
filenames. \sourcefilename tag should be reliable enough to identify a
regression test name from HTML output plus xx/lily-xxxxxxxx.ly files.

> Yes, this would mean that any modified regtest will show up on the
> regtest comparison -- but I think that's a feature, not a bug.
> The bug meisters *should* be made aware of any changed regtest[1],
> even if both versions look perfect.

This would be extremely cumbersome to check.  If needed, output used in
regtest comparison should be regenerated for older versions including
the change of output-distance to produce sane comparisons if needed.

Anyway, I'm not looking at this issue in the very near future; I rely on
somebody more informed than me to handle this issue or give me precise
instructions to hack a known place in a known particular script.


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