Carl, you wrote Friday, December 18, 2009 4:21 PM

On 12/18/09 2:49 AM, "Trevor Daniels" <> wrote:

A question.  Does your code require autobeaming
rules to be defined for beams of every possible
duration?  I ask because the following example beams
inconsistently, and I'm not sure if this is due to your
code or differences in the autobeaming rules for 4/4 and
2/2 time signatures.  With a32 instead of a64 a64 the
beaming is fine.

The current design is that unless a beaming rule is specified for a given
duration, the default beaming rule is used.

I mentioned this example because the beaming with
your patch is inconsistent when the 64th notes are
present because they cause the rule for 32nd notes
to be ignored.  This is a change from the previous

For 2/2, the default rule is break at (1 . 2), with 1/32nds breaking at every (1 . 4). I'm not sure that this is the best possible rule. After
all, I'm not an expert in beaming.

Me neither :(

Would it be better to have it follow the 4/4 rule: by default break at every (1.4), and have 1/8 notes break at (1 . 2) ? I expect that that is what
Read is saying.

I don't have access to Read, but this from Ross may
guide us:

"In simple time any beat divided into more than two
parts cannot be connected to another beat [with a
beam] to form a unit."  Now he doesn't say that the
converse is true, but maybe we can assume it is for
the default beaming.  Hence in 2/2 we should not have
a default break every 4th - the default should be to
break on beats, ie at 1/2.  We're left with the question
of what to do within a beat when 16th, 32nd or shorter
beams are present.  Ross is silent on this point.  But
I would suggest we treat them exactly the same - beam
to 1/2.

If so, this is a simple rule change.


I think that the default rule set is probably not correct, and needs a more
thorough reading.  I'll try to get to that today.

OK.  Maybe the best plan is to simplify where possible.
I think I might have been responsible for adding the
32nd rules, but I'm no longer sure this was wise in
some of the cases, like 2/2.



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