Le samedi 05 décembre 2009 à 11:32 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit :
> WARNING: Node 'Index de LilyPond' was NOT found in the map
> File name: index-de-lilypond.html

There is a lot of debug prints from the init file, a lot of them are
commented out; I'll remove most of them when the init file will be less

> *** Can't open ./out-www/learning/ for writing: Is a directory
> Documentation/./out-www/learning/index.fr.html

I got this too (but only in my working tree) while fixing
extract_texi_filenames.py and lilypond-texi2html.init.  As a result,
Texi2HTML now bombs out on incorrect node names that comes from the xref
maps; however, this should not happen with current
extract_texi_filenames.py, so I guess you have stalled .xref-map files
in your build tree, remove them with

rm -rf TOP-BUILD-DIR/out-www/xref-maps

to force their regeneration.


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