Le 6 déc. 2009 à 06:28, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :

> Please see #924.

This one is fixed.

Concerning chord repetition, the issues that have been raised are:

- \relative mode
A patch is available for review at <http://codereview.appspot.com/164096>
If nobody objects I'll commit it within a few days.

- cautionary accidentals (issue 925)

- Which elements should be copied?
Restrict the memorization to note chords (like <c e g>), and exclude
simple notes and rests?
I was recently in a situation where I would have liked to do e.g.
  re''2\rest q4 q8
whereas Alexander suggested not to memorize rests, so that on can write e.g.
  <c c,>8 q r q  q q r q


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