Jonathan Kulp wrote Friday, June 12, 2009 8:59 PM

The .iso is finished uploading and is ready for testing by whoever
wants to
try it.  Download here:

It's 716  MB, so it won't fit on a CD. If you're using a virtual
machine you
don't have to worry about that anyway.  I just installed and
Lilypond successfully inside a VM on my iMac at work (using Sun
for Mac).  It'd be great if a Windows user could try it.  The only
machine I have is a virtual machine.

Hi Jonathan

I finally got around to trying this today on my Windows Vista Home
Premium host.  I installed Sun VirtualBox, downloaded your .iso and
installed Ubuntu.  No real problems, but I did get hung up for a
while thinking Ubuntu had been installed when it was in fact the
install system that had been loaded.  As the install system appears
to be fully functional it fooled me into thinking the install was
complete.  In fact there is an install icon yet to activate; when I
spotted this and completed the install all went fine and I could
boot into my new account on my new Ubuntu system.  Then I downloaded
the source from git/origin, and the LilyPond "make all" is well
under way as I write.  It's already reached the stage where the docs
are built :)

The only two problems I've yet to resolve are how to share files
with my Windows host and how to make the Ubuntu screen larger.  I
can activate fullscreen, but all it does is place a same-sized
Ubuntu window in the middle of a full-screen one.  Neither problem
is serious though, and a bit of RTFM should disclose fixes.

So many thanks for doing this and thanks for Bertalan for hosting
the .iso file.  The installation was virtually seamless!


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