I'm taking care of a few recent doc contributions, but I
**REALLY** want somebody else to do this.  I want to be working on
gub and the build system stuff.  _You_ should want me to be
working on that stuff.

Required tasks for the documentation editor:
- estimated time: 30 minutes a week.  (not counting normal reading
  of mailists)
- if somebody sends a doc patch, don't lose it.  Reply within 3-4
  days with either the task done, or promising them that you have
  the patch and will get to it later.
- check if the patch compiles and conforms to our doc policy.  If
  it doesn't, then either make a fix, or reject the patch.  Up to
  you, your available time, and your mood.
- train your replacement in those duties.  I'm getting really
  maoing tired of training doc people.  Yes, this means that
  you need to stick around for long enough to find+train a

NOT required tasks:
- writing anything yourself
- checking English spelling / grammar / weird ESL speech
- knowing anything about the docs at the moment.  I will, *sigh*,
  train anybody who is willing and seems trustworthy.
- mentoring new doc contributors, explaining anything not clear in
  the Contributor's Guide, etc.

Yes, it would be nice if the doc editor could also do things in
the "not required" list, but I'll settle for just the "required"

- Graham

PS if you sent me a doc patch in the past week, I'm doing them
now, and should reply within an hour.

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