Le 14 nov. 2009 à 09:29, David Kastrup a écrit :

> Now the harp-pedal command defines the property signature
>  ((size 1.0)
>   (harp-pedal-details)
>   (thickness 0.5))
> So far, so fine.  It
> then calls make-harp-pedal without passing it those let-bound
> variables.  As far as I understand Scheme and its closures, this means
> that the defaults specified in this manner are ignored.
> make-harp-pedal then starts off with
>  (let* ((size (chain-assoc-get 'size props 1.2))
>        (details (chain-assoc-get 'harp-pedal-details props '()))

Just remove the useless binding of `size' in the let form, 
and give the appropriate default in the property argument.


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