2009/11/12 Chris Snyder <csny...@adoromusicpub.com>:
> After the on-going discussion that included talk about formatting, I did a
> quick search for automatic code formatters, starting with one for the C++
> code (I think it's reasonable to expect to use a different formatter for
> each programming language). I came across one - astyle
> http://astyle.sourceforge.net - that has the GNU style built in and is
> painless to use. I gave it a try, and it seems to work quite well.

Graham's mentioned it in the other thread, but there's a bug tracker
issue for this here:


There's a script for beautifying C++ code here:
scripts/auxiliar/fixcc.py, but it appears to be a bit out of date
(certainly when I tested it earlier this year, it didn't match the
average formatting we have currently).


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