> Yes, that suffice if you are looking for text.
> But if you are looking for function and class definition, reference,
> exception throwing places, macro expansion as tooltip etc. There are a
> lot of things a good development environment must do for effective work.

XCode does a good job for me of finding objc method invocations and
definitions (even in apples headers files).  not using it for C or C++ at
the moment.

-(void) drawEachFoo: (NSArray*) fooList inRect: (NSRect) visibleBounds{...}

is found by typing a comment with the text - drawEachFoo:inRect: select
the whole phrase, right-click and select 'JumpToDefinition' as I mentioned
in a previous posting.  Fast, looks up the method definition in a symbol
table kept by the project.  Only works for project-registered files tho.

If the symbol is known to be apples (eg, it has an NS prefix) then its
even simp0ler, option-2x click the symbol and apples docs are searched to
produce a list in the doc browser.

Dana Emery

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