On 10/27/09 10:08 AM, "Ian Hulin" <i...@hulin.org.uk> wrote:

> I've now sorted the scoping out in the parser so subsequent \book blocks are
> no longer affected by prior \bookOutputName and \bookOutputSuffix calls.

Yes, I think this is the right way to do it.  And it's so simple once you
got it figured out right.  Good job!

> This gets rid of the need for \bookOutputNameUsePrevious so I've ditched it.
> That means that book-filename can be a string and not a queue/stack
> structure.  That's a shame because I reckoned the (ice-9 q) stuff was rather
> cool.
> I've now found out at long last where and how the filename gets set for \midi
> blocks.  It has a satisfactory mechanism for adding a version count internally
> if needed; it's already getting the name generated from within
> print-book-with.  So I no longer need to bother about files getting opened at
> \score level.


> I've attached the patch and some test files I've been using.

The patch looks good to me.  Neil?



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