


From: Werner LEMBERG <>
Subject: Re: line breaks and broken beams
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 16:08:31 +0200 (CEST)

>>> What's the reason that line breaks are by default forbidden if
>>> there is a broken beam crossing the bar line, and that you have to
>>> set the `breakable' flag manually to override it?
>>> BTW, it is very unpleasant that lilypond doesn't emit any kind of
>>> warning if it produces an overlong staff caused by that issue.  It
>>> silently accumulates unbreakable bars and happily walks out of the
>>> right margin.  I would consider this behaviour a bug.
>> +1.
>> (I've always felt this way, too.)
> Then let's drop the IMHO unfounded limitation of not breaking at beams
> crossing a barline.
>     Werner

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