Le vendredi 25 septembre 2009 à 23:59 +0100, Neil Puttock a écrit :
> LGTM, though I'd appreciate it if somebody else could give the patch a
> final look (especially the lilypond-book changes, since I'm not that
> familiar with it).

Sure, see below.

> --- a/scripts/lilypond-book.py
> +++ b/scripts/lilypond-book.py
> +       # FIXME: This is really ugly. Every setting should be there only once,
> +       # instead of having several line-width = foo / line-width = blah
> +       # constructs. This would affect also QUOTE / LILYQUOTE, however.

This comment reveals a larger issue than the code it comments, so I
suggest to move it away from lilypond-book.py and rewrite it in Git
commit message and/or an issue on the tracker.


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