Le lundi 14 septembre 2009 à 12:37 -0400, Kieren MacMillan a écrit : 
> 3. Programming. In order to get this done before, say, 2020, we'll  
> need at least one lead developer with good Scheme-fu to (1) write  
> most of the heavy-lifting code, and/or (2) vet my/our Froggie work.  
> In either case, my goal is to have "clean" patches to give to Carl/ 
> whomever for final merging, as opposed to banging on his/their door  
> with sketchy code.

> 5. My 30000-foot plan on how to proceed is to:
>     — dissect the current implementation to see if anything can be  
> saved/rewritten;
>     — plan the implementation revision/rewrite; and;
>     — do it.

This is a very exciting project!

Have you considered using music streams introduced by Erik Sandberg --
see his master thesis on http://lilypond.org/web/about/pubs ?
If I understand correctly, the part combining should happen after music
has been interpreted, so using music streams might be very fruitful.

I unfortunately can't get involved in this project until I'm done with
switching the build system (I know, it's a poorly productive task in
short term, but we definitely need it for the sake of maintainability
and development comfort) and the translation infrastructure :-(


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