On 2009-09-09, at 08:59 , Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Dan, Neil, et al.:
Does the following help?
SoloVoice is a kind of Voice. UpperVoice and LowerVoice are kinds
of SoloVoice.
That's [relatively] self-evident. What isn't crystal clear — either
in my mind, or (IMO) in the documentation — is why the following
wouldn't work (or, perhaps better put, *what* wouldn't work if the
following were used):
\context {
\name SoloVoice
%% \alias "Voice"
or alternatively
\context {
%% \Voice
\name SoloVoice
\alias Voice
If I understand parser.yy and output-def.cc files, it looks like
"\Voice" starts you off with a copy of the previously defined Voice
settings. If "\Voice" is absent, you start from scratch.
The context settings are saved by name. If you do not change the
name, the modified settings replace the previous settings of the
\Voice context. If you change the name, a new kind of context is
I haven't looked into \alias.
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