On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 11:02:41AM -0400, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> 1. Has the 'Pond made a final decision on the "standard" file extension 
> for non-compilable (i.e., "include" only) Lilypond files?

Since we haven't started the "standarding" project, no.  That
said, I can't imagine why we wouldn't go with .ily.

> 2. If so, when will the [Mac OS X] version actually open said files?  
> (e.g., right now it won't recognize or open .ily files)

There are currently absolutely no plans on changing any of the
lilypad editors.  Once we have regular releases again, and once
we've consolidated the lilypad sources, you could try asking
Christian Hitz (the guy who fixed lilypad on 10.5) to add this.

- Graham

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